Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Meetings, phone calls, and never getting to the exercise

These models are just saying peas and carrots over and over again.

If you work for yourself, or at an office, or are taking care of children, relatives, a sick dog, etc. you know that some days there are deadlines that can't be missed, and meetings that get scheduled so there's no chunk (if the word chunk just made you think of chocolate chunk and made your mouth worry, please go drink some water or eat a HEALTHY snack, stat) of time to exercise.

That's how I'm feeling today. I'm sticking to eating health but must get to the store to restock. Always have healthy food that's easy to prepare or requires no preparation at all on hand. Especially on those days.

So here's my plan. I'm going to exercise tonight after all the life chores are done. Not ideal, but worth doing. Some people may find it impossible to workout before bed. Others may find it impossible to do so in the morning. Find at least two or three options that work for you so you have back up plans to fall back on. That's my back up plan today.

- Michelle :)

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