Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome To My First Post

Trader Joe's Two Bite Brownies, of which I ate 3/4 of the box in two days.

I am a perfectionist. And I like monkeys. And I've been struggling with my weight since my late twenties - I'm 39 now. The struggle became especially challenging after I had my wonderful daughter. I hope this blog will help others like me, who are smart, hard-working people, who end up feeling (wrongfully) worthless because they can't reach and maintain their goal weight.

Sometimes you'll here stuff like "it's as simple as calories in, calories out." Other times you'll hear about how tough it is to lose wight, but follow plan X and you'll be a success. At this point, there's so much information out there, that those of us who've struggled with our weight loss know what we need to do - we need to exercise regularly, and eat moderately. That's it.
But that's actually the "easy" part. The hard part is consistently convincing yourself that it's a priority to make those two things happen, and to consistently make yourself believe that you're worth making those things a priority.

This blog will include a lot of data about exactly what I'm doing to get healthy, but more importantly, it will be an honest, detailed account of the successes, setbacks, and emotions, that go along with this kind of journey.

Loving yourself is really the only way to get and stay healthy. I wish all of you and myself the best.

Until next time,
- Michelle :)

A little inspiration from Nada Surf

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